Musings | Let Your Heart Be Light
Lettering by Lillian Liming
Let your heart be light.
When I lettered this phrase from the well-known Christmas song to share on Instagram a few weeks back, I didn't think I'd still be reflecting upon these words well into the new year.
Maybe it's because my heart has felt more heavy than light the last several months as I maneuvered through a broken friendship, establishing my business, and as of late, some health issues.
On top of that, where I once found light and joy in connecting/sharing on Instagram, has now become more of a burden.
I've shared my thoughts about Instagram before so I'm not going to repeat myself, but as we entered the new year, I knew something had to change. It has all just become too much. Too much noise. Too much monotony. Too much wasted time.
I've let my heart become heavy for much too long.
I contemplated quitting social media altogether, as Shanna Skidmore bravely did so for a year, but I don't think I'm ready to quit cold turkey just yet. However, like Shanna, I'm a bit of a rebel in the sense that I just don't want to be doing what everyone else is doing when it comes to social media. Not only on the business side of things, but personally, as well.
Being self-employed and working from home can get pretty lonely - I honestly just miss everyday real-world human connections. Instagram just doesn't fill that void for me as it once did. The community aspect has gotten lost in the vast sea of non-chronological, stranger-ridden posts.
Camogli, Italy | Photo by Lillian Liming
January is all about setting goals, getting organized, and decluttering. I'm on a mission to declutter my heart and fill it with joy, light, and love. I know that sounds cliché, but who says we can't Kondo our hearts? If something in your life doesn't spark joy, then thank it for its service and get rid of it, amirite? ;)
Ok, I may not go as far as getting rid of Instagram, but it's time for a refresh. As we entered 2018, more posts popped up from people/sources I respected, echoing my thoughts (see here and here -- love Jonas Ellison's writing, do check him out!). They confirmed my intention for taking a break from Instagram for an entire month, but obviously, I didn't want to leave my friends and followers hanging. Hence, this blog post -- and hopefully, more posts to come.
I hope to be doing more connecting with you here in 2018. Thanks for following along!
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