Free Download | DESKTOP WALLPAPER | Proverbs 31:10
Every now and then, I will offer some of my original work free for download -images, printables, desktop/smartphone wallpapers, etc. I'm still learning as I go in this graphic design/lettering world, but my motto is that practice makes progress. And practice will inevitably lead to a lot of completed work that will just sit and collect digital dust unless I share them with others. Although the pieces/designs may not be perfect, I hope they will still encourage and inspire. I've learned that some things don't have to be perfect to be shared. Done is better than perfect.
To download, click on image or FREE DOWNLOAD link below to open original image. Right-click to save image to your computer.
For personal use only. Photo and hand lettering by lillianliming. Photo taken in Taichung, Taiwan.
Free Download | DESKTOP WALLPAPER | Proverbs 31:10
Proverbs 31 has always been one of my favorite passages. Even as I have wavered in my faith the past few years, the epilogue describing the wife of noble character is something I'm constantly striving towards as a woman of God, and as a wife. Obviously some of the examples are a bit outdated, but there is still a lot of practical wisdom and encouragement that can be taken away from the passage.
A few years ago after I lost my job, I had started a personal blog with the intention of using it to encourage other women and used this verse as my "tag line". I wanted to remind my girlfriends and sisters in Christ that we are worth far more than rubies. We have so much to offer, even though many times we don't believe it of ourselves. At that time, however, I did not believe it of myself -- I felt the complete opposite. If I had to be honest with myself, I was the one that needed this constant reminder of worth. Needless to say, the blog was quickly abandoned.
Today, it's with God's grace that I have a renewed faith and hope for the future - that I have so much to offer but the only eyes that I need to impress are those up above.